Client Stories

Biomedical Product Supplier

When a Canadian company wanted to set up a subsidiary in the UK, its priority was security. As the company responsible for the complete IT fit-out, supply and infrastructure, Flex IT had to fully understand and adhere to the parent company’s policies and standards.

To provide the company with evidence that the building, network and systems were secure, we arranged assessment and certification from the regulatory body from the early stages of implementation. By maintaining communication with the Operations, Director, Security teams and stakeholders we built trust and reassurance through the project.

Biomedical Product Supplier IT case study

Flex-IT approach

  • Project

    To fully equip the subsidiary office and remote team with secure IT infrastructure
  • Timeframe

    The infrastructure was fully operational for the opening of the subsidiary.
  • Starting with a clean sheet, we designed a tailored IT solution to fulfil current and future business needs.

    Robust IT protection was built into every system and the building to ensure the highest levels of security.


    The trusted relationship that developed from initial conversations, through to the project conclusion was of mutual benefit. It ensured that the project was completed on time and, critically, up to the highest standards of security. Flex IT continue to provide technical support for Spectrum Biomedical.

Services included

    • Designing the infrastructure and network cabling requirements
    • Specifying computer room and cooling requirements
    • Installing the network with High Availability Switches and Firewall
    • Implementing 4G Failover internet to supplement the main internet feed
    • Fitting an on-premises server, HD video surveillance and security systems
    • Supplying laptops and Microsoft 365 to the team
    • Installing cloud-based VoIP, Audio Visual and Presentation equipment

"We were a new business setting up in the UK and had no IT expertise at all.  When Flex came on board, they listened to all our requirements and helped us set up a bespoke network that fitted all our needs perfectly.  Security was paramount and Flex were able to help us reach the level needed when working with government agencies.

"They always have a good understanding of the new technology on the market and are able to answer any questions we have. Any calls logged with their support team are answered quickly and efficiently with a professional manner from all the staff."

K H, Biomedical Supplier

Project statistics

99% Customer satisfaction
100% 1st response SLA met

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