The Ultimate Guide to Office Relocation - The Move Day & Post-Move Actions

A cartoon image that says 'we have moved' with moving-related icons

Moving office is disruptive, so you need to be doing everything you can to mitigate relocation mistakes. Above all, allocate plenty of time for the move and don’t be too ambitious with what can be achieved in a day or two!

If you have followed the guidance from our previous Office Relocation articles, you should be in good shape. 

In summary, we have covered these key areas:

  • Advanced Planning
  • The Reasons to Move
  • Understanding the Costs 
  • Considerations for Moving Out & In
  • Remote & Home Workers
  • Preparing for the Move
  • Involving your Team 
  • Addressing the Specifics of IT and communications 

The Order of Events

On move day, the order of events is important. Desks need to be in place before computers can be set up. But, hold fire on the chairs until computer cables are installed.

If you have gained early access, your internet provision and networking equipment may already be installed. This means that some key systems, such as your main line phone, can be quickly brought online. Therefore, you need desks in place for these devices to be set up. The IT team can also set up wireless Access Points so that mobile devices can connect to the internet and handle emails.

Lead By Example & Involve the Team

Even with the best planning some things don’t always work out. It’s important to remain calm and work through issues methodically. Everyone will be trying their best to make the move work smoothly and manage the stress of change. Therefore, business and project leaders need to lead by example.

An Office Relocation Management Team can be responsible for managing employees. Put them in charge of making sure that their teams and departments understand and follow the move plan. Their knowledge of their specific area of responsibility will mean that details don't get overlooked. Once you are in your new office get them to look for any faults or repairs that need to be rectified.

Don’t forget your remote workers! They may feel ostracised if not involved in the move and they can play an important part in maintaining operations. Invite them to visit the new office when you are in, so they feel part of the team.

Points to Consider in Preparation for Move Day

Keep the diary clear

The last thing you need is interruptions when the move is underway. Ask your staff to avoid arranging meetings on your move day. Also, encourage essential staff to use ‘-of-office email’ responses, which direct people to those responsible for maintaining communications.

Office Clearance

When you move office you will in no doubt be drowning in packaging materials so prepare a Waste Disposal Action Plan. Start your unpacking as soon as you can, as your staff will be able to get up and running more quickly in an organised environment. Where possible separate packaging materials use recycling facilities to dispose of cardboard boxes. This is a helpful role to allocate to an individual.

The New Office


Have you arranged sufficient access to the building for your removal company to unload the van without too much inconvenience to them, and other tenants?


Do staff have directions to the new office and know where to park? They also need to be allocated new entrance cards, access codes or keys to the new premises.

IT and Phones

Have all IT and phone lines been tested before the equipment arrives? If voice and data cables have not been properly tested it causes delays. It’s worth working with an IT & Telecoms Company to make sure the IT infrastructure has been correctly installed and thoroughly tested.

New Seating Plan

Does your office removal company have a finalised seating plan for the new office? It helps to have a copy pinned on the wall in strategic places in the new office so the removal team and employees can check where desks, equipment and boxes are to be placed or unloaded.

The Office Being Exited


Have you given sufficient notice to all utility providers? Allow a few days of electricity and water service after you have moved out. This allows the property can be cleaned and any dilapidations to be carried out. Don’t forget to read the meters!


Schedule time to complete dilapidations. Some of the work can be completed in the final weeks of occupancy but be mindful of the disruption this may cause. Major works need to be carried out after you have moved out by an office fit-out company.

Property Handover

Arrange a handover of the property with the landlord. This will usually involve an inspection by the landlord, or their representative so that your rental deposit can be returned.

Supervise Packing

Have a representative from your organisation in each location – one supervising the packing and loading and the other supervising unloading and unpacking. They can minimise issues occurring through misunderstanding and answer any questions that arise.

Post-move Actions

Unpacking the last box can feel like a relief, but the job is not over yet! Start by checking all equipment is working efficiently and checking that the team is happy.

 Here is a list of post-move actions:

  • Ensure the new office security is working as expected
  • Undertake workstation assessment to check the ergonomics of desks, chairs and screens 
  • Compare the cost of the move against the budget - what lessons were learnt?
  • Send out your move marketing material and celebrate the benefits
  • Update address information with clients, partners, suppliers, banks and HMRC. Don’t forget your website, Google My Business, social platforms and online directories.
  • Itemise anything that is missing or isn’t where it needs to be.
  • Check that the new layout complies with Health & Safety and that all employees are aware of H&S procedures, including fire evacuation in the new premises.

Your Team

Thank your team for their involvement and welcome all employees to the new premises. Remind everyone of the benefits to them and the future of the business to maintain morale and motivation. Ask for staff feedback on the office move and address any issues promptly. 

Check each member of staff is happy with their new workspace – they may have some great ideas for improvements.

Once the move is complete you could hold a staff and client launch party to showcase your new offices and celebrate what’s to come. 

Review Your Suppliers

An office relocation offers a great opportunity to reduce the running costs of your business. Are their local suppliers who offer a more cost-effective service than your existing provider? Whether you decide to evaluate your energy suppliers, office cleaners or stationary providers, it is good to spot opportunities to save money.


a text box which reads We hope that our series focussed on Office Relocation has provided helpful points and a guide as you work through the process.  If you believe we can help streamline the process with advice at the planning stage, through to installing and checking IT systems, please contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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